Nov 14, 2012

這是一本書 (This is a Book)

話說,某日貝姬在我臉書下方貼了這則訊息。 她問說要不要一起來玩這個? 老實說,我想不起來是哪天,不過很湊巧地在她問這個問題以前,我曾經在郵購網站上閒逛之時,看到這本筆記本的介紹。

是說,當時也沒有想太多的,就略過了它。 或者是因為之前已經買了另外一本由David P. Earle所製成的「The Open Daybook」。 這本書裡收集了約365位藝術家對當日的創作。 每人一天,每人一頁。 一本厚厚的Daybook裡頭,就包含了三百六十五件美術作品,從油畫,鉛筆,水彩,各式各樣的不同創作。

由於這本Daybook沒有年份的限制,所以其實當初買下這本日記本的理由是不論我從哪一天開始使用它,它都不會有年份過期的困擾。 然而回想起過去這一年,我可以寫日記的地方實在是太多了。 於是這本Daybook就一直在書架上面,沒有半點動靜。 所以當日,驚見「wreck this journal」得時候,購買慾沒有那麼強大。

直到那天,貝姬突然跑來問我,這本書美國有沒有? 能買得到嗎? 要不要買回來一起玩? 有人要一起玩,那當然好! 在經過了大約兩週的等待之後,這本書今天終於送來我家了! 果然是已經迫不及待的想開始玩了!!!

A few weeks ago, my friend Baggy sent me a post in Facebook. She asked: do you want to play this together? To be honest, I couldn't remember the exact day, but just few weeks before she came to me, i happened to come across this journal on a well-known shopping site.

Nonetheless, It did not occur to me as a must buy at the time simply because prior to this journal, I have already purchased and own another journal by David P. Earle "The Open Daybook". In this book by D. P. Earle, it contains 365 art pieces made by various artists. Each artist was assigned to a date and from this date they will create artworks using different type of media, ranges from oil, pencil, watercolor, etc.

Since there is no assigned year to this daybook, my intention for this daybook was to start from any particular given day and not having to worry about what month of the year is it or what day of the month is it. Of course, that never happen. As I looked back to this year, I had so many different places/sources to write journal, this daybook never left it's place on my bookshelf. It stayed quietly without a sound. Hence, it would not be a complete surprise to me that by the time I saw this journal, my desire to own such is rather limited.

It was not until one day Baggy came asked me if I could get this book in the U.S, do I want to get this book and we'll play together that I went on to Amazon and ordered my very own copy of "Wreck This Journal". After days of waiting and anticipation, this book finally arrived today on my desk.